Keep Your Prescription Drugs Safe While At Home

I previously wrote about the Fall 2019 National Prescription Drug Take Back Day and the importance of properly disposing of unused, unwanted and unneeded drugs in each one of our homes. Whether it was pain medication for a procedure in the past or even just some old expired allergy medicine. It’s important to find it, and turn it over so that there is absolutely zero chance of it being stolen or improperly used in any way in the future.

If you’ve been like me and still trying to socially distance yourself and stay home, you should have had plenty of time to dig up lost items and clean each room over and over. If you found any medication that is no longer needed, please be sure to properly secure it and keep it all ready for the next DEA Take Back Day happening October 24. This is the perfect time to take care of tasks like these that always seem to get pushed.

With the opioid epidemic growing increasingly horrifying, there’s small steps that each and every one of us can take, even if you and the people around you aren’t directly impacted. By simply looking through your old medicine cabinets, you can declutter and turn over any medications that are no longer needed, which eliminates any possible misuse (intentional or accidental) in the future.

I just finished going through our entire master bathroom top to bottom. With Charlie on the move, and curious as ever, I knew that re-organizing our bathroom drawers and cabinets was urgently needed. I got rid of old cleansers and soaps that I never used, organized bath toys and useful toiletries, and even cleaned out all of our medications. I was even able to find an old prescription that I can turn in at the next Take Back Day. It made me realize that it’s been way too long since I had actually cleaned out our medicine cabinet, and I’m sure I’m not the only one.

We’ve all been working hard together, especially over the last several months. It’s been amazing to see the resilience of people everywhere and the hard work and determination to defeat whatever gets thrown at us. We’ve seen the best in human nature lately, and so I’m hoping we can carry this through to something we can all help in some tiny way.

Be sure to visit for more info on the next National Prescription Drug Take Back Day and be sure to keep any and all of your medications secure while we get through these confined times together.

Cheers, Ty

