Five Ways to Improve Your Life with Square Cash

Square Cash - Tynology

I first discovered the Square Cash app when I was sent money while having dinner with some friends. Instead of going through the laborious task of putting down multiple credit cards, my friend sent me enough to cover his food immediately, and it went straight into my bank account. I’ve found a lot of other ways that Square Cash can help you save money and time on regular financial activities:

Paying Rent

Paying rent is a pain. Most landlords don’t offer online payments, and the ones that do often charge a processing fee. We are currently getting situated in our new home (we moved last night!) and I was relieved that archaic payment portals and checkbooks are now a thing of the past for my rent payments. My landlord has a $CashTag set up so that I can pop open my Square Cash app and pay rent instantly each month. No stamps, envelopes, etc.

Square Cash - Tynology

Buying Tickets or Packages with Friends

Another great use of Square Cash is to quickly pay back friends for purchasing tickets in bulk. Our close friends got married in Hawaii this year and planned several excursions while we were there. We all got a great group rate by purchasing together – and we even got a special private sugar plantation tubing adventure. I was able to pay by sending our cost to my friend’s phone number in the app instantly.

Square Cash - Tynology

Splitting Bill

Just like I explained at the beginning, splitting the bill is an often labor-intensive task for both the waiter and yourself. Gone are the days of writing down the amounts to charge each credit card on the back of the bill. Instantly send over any amount to anyone. That’s right, you don’t even need an account or the app downloaded to receive cash instantly.

Paying Babysitter

Pulling out cash from an ATM is a pain. If the ATM isn’t your bank, expect to pay $3-6 fees between the machine itself and your bank. My wife and I don’t get out nearly as much as we used to before our son was born, but when we do, it’s so nice to have one less thing to worry about. I can send our babysitter money to cover the always exciting task of watching our wild kid before we leave, and I don’t have to worry about shortchanging her if we run late. Because sending money is always free, a second transaction is never a problem.

Square Cash - Tynology

Donating to Charity

Because security is of utmost importance in the Square Cash app, it’s always nice to know that the money you’re sending (or giving) is protected 100%. I mentioned the brilliance of $CashTags earlier, but to go more in-depth, it’s basically an address/username that is tied to you. For example, my CashTag is$Tynology. While I’m not a charity, I won’t turn down any money for a coffee to get me through the rest of this move.

But Square Cash has made it easy to donate directly to causes and organizations you want to support. Safely and securely, more and more charities are setting up their own CashTags to make donating easier. Some great ones include Wikipedia and (RED).

So go get out there, download the free Square Cash app for iOS or Android and start saving time and money when living your life to the fullest.

Cheers, Ty






