There are a handful of experiences growing up that I will never forget and always get nostalgic over. Afternoons in our cul-de-sac growing up playing baseball, Christmas mornings and spending all day experiencing my new toys and games, and of course, birthday parties at Chuck E. Cheese. The games, the pizza, the animatronics – it all game together to form my ideal experience as a growing child.
It just so happens that my oldest boy Fox is ripe for the age of enjoying these things as well. That’s why this past week, we took a family trip to our local Chuck E. Cheese for an evening that brought back all the fun and excitement of my childhood. Seeing Fox’s face light up when he hit the ticket jackpot or scored points on a video game was such a magical experience, I’m counting the days that I get to bring him back.

If you follow me on social media, you’ll probably know that I’ve been adjusting my diet over the last couple weeks to eat a bit healthier – I’m cutting down my sugar and carbohydrate intake and boosting my meat and veggie intake to fit better with my lifestyle as I enter into my mid-30s (eesh!). That’s why I was thrilled to see that Chuck E. Cheese has partnered with CAULIPOWER to launch the Super Cauli Crust Pizza nationwide. The number one ingredient in the pie is nutrient-rich cauliflower, while tasting dangerously good. It’s great to know that anyone can enjoy the amazing Chuck E. Cheese pizza, even with dietary needs or gluten intolerance. Fox even preferred it to the traditional crust pizza we got with it. Along with the pizzas I snagged a play card and loaded 100 play points on it.
Nearly two hours later we were shutting the place down. Fox played dozens of games (Sarabeth and I even got several rounds of skeeball and basketball in). My favorite were the games that I was able to play cooperatively with Fox and of course the games that handed out the most tickets.

When all was said and done, Fox had redeemed his tickets for an assortment of toys and some sweet 8-bit glasses and some well-deserved cotton candy. I remembered to check our play card’s balance as we were headed toward the door and was shocked to see that we still had 45 play points remaining!

If you’re feeling that itch to get in and play some games and eat some pizza with your family, be sure to click here for an exclusive promo code to save ½ off the Super Cauli Crust pizza powered by CAULIPOWER with a $10 or more All You Can Play games purchase through 8/4/2019!
Looks like that follow-up trip will be happening even sooner than I thought.