Ever since moving to New York and having our second son, I’ve taken a much more… mature outlook on life. I’ve made a lot of tough decisions that I probably wouldn’t have had the courage to make in years past, and my priorities have finally gotten to an order that I can be proud of.
Decisions in the past, like many people my age, have come back to affect me. Especially financial ones – or spontaneous actions like opening that extra credit card for a splurge purchase here or there. At the same time that I didn’t fully understand the importance of good credit, I was doing the most damage to it, usually by totally avoidable actions like waiting too long to set up an auto-pay, etc.
But I’ve grown up a bit and have a family of my own to take care of. I cherish the times that I get to teach Fox about finances, where money comes from (and where it goes), and getting in a few laughs and giggles in the process. We’re looking to buy a home soon, and aside from income, credit is the main factor when it comes to applying for a mortgage and getting a good rate.
It’s been a tough lesson to learn that frankly our money goes further when our credit scores are better. We pay less in interest on our cars, our purchases, and eventually our new home. We can utilize the perks of more exclusive credit cards reserved for those whose credit is trusted.

That’s why CreditRepair.com is sponsoring my story of turning my credit around for the better. Their overarching goal is to empower people to achieve the highest credit score possible and benefit from the perks of a lifestyle with good credit.
My score in recent years has been all over the board, but setting a goal and a plan to improve it is easier than it sounds with the help of CreditRepair.com. They offer a personal online dashboard, a credit score tracker and analysis, monitoring and more. But they also offer a free consultation and roadmap to improving your credit score. In fact, past clients have seen an average score increase of 40 points in just four months*.
The important thing to remember is that at some point in our lives, we have to make smart decisions for the future that benefit ourselves and our family. Luckily, those decisions lead to us being able to enjoy the most that life has to offer, like spending more time with our family, having the financial flexibility to indulge on your passion projects, or even just pride in knowing that your setting yourself and your children up for success later in life.
To learn more about CreditRepair.com‘s suite of features to assess and track your credit situation or to receive a free consultation on how to improve your credit, be sure to visit their website here.
* Not all clients saw such a result as all legal cases are different. You should not expect to see the same result and it is not guaranteed.