Why Recovery is Just As Important as the Workout

I don’t even recognize myself lately. I have been eating better, staying focused on projects and tasks, and even started working out with regularity. I’ve lost about 20 pounds this summer and feel like this new lifestyle could really stick.

Then I woke up after my third day of working out and could barely move.

It’s only been a few days since I wrote an article about my new commitment to exercising more regularly and the timing couldn’t have been better to have received a lovely little package from PROcure, a first-aid product line that combines the wonders of nature with the wisdom of science.

What caught my eye was the Epsom Salt Rub Gel with aloe vera. This fragrance-free concentrated gel rub leverages the curative properties of magnesium sulfate and has helped to relieve my muscle aches and tension post-workout.


That leads me into an important point: if you’re planning a new workout routine – or any new regimen actually – be sure to factor in recovery and downtime into your schedule. Going hard is great, but there’s nothing worse than burnout, especially physically. Finding a balance of momentum and sanity is key to creating a long-lasting habit and lifestyle. Allow yourself to cheat here and there – within reason, of course. Bettering your health should not be a miserable experience, and cold-turkey is not always the way to go.

Also included in my “care” package was PROcure’s Bruise Remedy Gel and applicator. I’m lucky enough that it takes a lot for me to bruise or get any kind of skin discoloration, but we have a kid that just started school for the first time, and he goes hard. The next time he comes home with some bruised shins or knees, I’m not hesitating to apply the gel to the area. Since it’s all-natural, I know that I’m not exposing him to harsh chemicals or any unknown ingredients.

Have you started any new routines in your life lately? If so, has it been easy or difficult to maintain?

Cheers, Ty





PS. PROcure has a clippable online coupon if you’re interested in trying out their products.
