The Absolute Perfect Low-Cost/High-Tech Gift This Holiday

There several pivotal points in your life when you have to make the decision to let certain concerns go. Whether it’s at work or home, relationship or parenting, there are things that completely destroy your sense of self when you hold on for dear life, especially (relatively) trivial things.

I know, sometimes you’re in the middle of three tasks and a loved one asks you where you put “that one thing”. We’ve all been there, and we’ve all been on the delivering end without realizing how aggravating it can be to hear that question over and over.

Over the last couple of years while we have all been bickering about who lost the [insert item here], the brilliant folks at Tile have built the world’s largest “Lost & Found” system. You see, the world’s most popular bluetooth tracker is already a brilliant system to locate your misplaced items (think: keys, phone, remote, etc) – but recently they’ve gone a step further to build an entire network of recovery between users. If you’ve lost an item with a Tile attached to it, and it’s too far out of range, say on a trip or at a hotel, etc… other Tile users can help to find and return it to you. The Tile community now locates over 2 million items every single day. Crazy, right?

The key here is that Tile serves as a perfect gift this holiday season – whether its for your parents who can never find their keys or wallet, or even for your kid who always finds a way to lose his favorite stuffed animal, the technology itself is awe-inspiring.

My personal pro-tip: Shove a Tile inside that favorite stuffed animal and you’ll never lose it at bed time!

Also cool: The Tile system comes in multiple forms. My wife loves the Tile Style tracker, and the Tile Sport works best for my son’s berating of his favorite toys. Me? I’m glad that I prefer the clean and minimal design of the Tile Mate – no frills, bright white, and handles my beating without a scratch.

If you’re looking for the perfect low-cost/high-tech gift this holiday, pick up some Tile trackers – at $25 a piece or under $20 if you buy 4, they make a perfect Secret Santa gift, stocking stuffer, or even serve as an option for that extended family member that you know absolutely nothing about!

And now that I’ve joined the Tile family, I’m committed to helping return even more lost items to their owners!

Cheers, Ty
