Africa Rocks at the San Diego Zoo This Summer

If you know me or my wife personally, or even just follow our sites or on social networks, you likely already know what huge fans we are of the San Diego Zoo. We’ve been annual members for several years, and a trip to the Zoo or Safari Park was our go-to for getting out of the house after we had Fox.

Even since we’ve moved up the coast to Los Angeles, I’m still regularly impressed with the new exhibits and animal welfare programs that the San Diego Zoo continues to roll out.

Newest this year is the all-star debut of Africa Rocks, a massive six-habitat experience featuring many  endangered and unique animals from the African continent. The first habitat, the penguins of Cape Fynbos just debuted July 1. Modeled after the coast of South Africa, this brand new environment allows the African penguins to show off in their natural habitat. Also on display are leopard sharks and an assortment of native African plants and flowers.

As the new animals become acclimated to their elaborate and beautiful new homes, five more distinct African habitats will debut throughout the Summer. They include: the Acacia Woodland, featuring leopards, vervet monkeys and various birds; the Madagascar Forest, featuring lemurs, fossas, and honey badgers; the Ethiopian Highlands, featuring baboons, geladas, and ibexes; the Kopje Woodland, featuring meerkats, klipspringers, hyraxes, and dwarf mongooses; and lastly the West African Forest, featuring dwarf crocodiles.

One of the most amazing aspects of the San Diego Zoo is their commitment to wild animal conservation and rehabilitation. Staff from the zoo will even visit remote areas to assist in preventing population decline, as they did with the African Penguins now featured at Africa Rocks.


With the expanse of exhibits, entertainment and excitement at the San Diego Zoo, it’s no wonder it has developed the reputation for being the best in the world. With the new Africa Rocks habitats debuting throughout the summer, I think I may have just found another excuse to hop on down for another visit with the family.

Have you ever been the the San Diego Zoo? What was your favorite aspect?

Cheers, Ty
