Getting into the Groove of 2018

We’re just over a third of the way into 2018 – and what a year it has been! Tons of changes, including a move across the country, our little kid growing up right before our eyes, and brand new experiences as we finally get into spring – for real this time.

Now is the time to kick it into a higher gear – I’ve made a lot of recent changes regarding my health in the past couple of weeks and I’m excited to gain momentum moving into the middle of the year.

First, I finally got a gym membership. The gym is right by my office so I’m able to drop in before or after work, or even on my lunch break if the urge hits me. This also helps me to scale back on large, expensive lunches that quickly add up (both in calories and cash).

Second, my wife and I have vowed to start eating healthier at home – which is obviously easier said than done. We’ve massively cut down on take out food and started making family dinners at home almost every night of the week. Now this isn’t to say that we don’t enjoy some tasty and spicy chips and salsa from time to time (obviously), but having a partner to keep up the motivation makes everything much more enjoyable.

It’s the time and effort that’s put into “being good” that makes the times you can relax and enjoy yourself so much sweeter. The balance of hard work, determination, dedication to living healthier while still being able to have a beer with friends in family is what the brand new Michelob ULTRA Pure Gold is all about.

The newest in Michelob ULTRA’s line of premium beers is brewed with organic grains sourced from the finest farms and only has 85 calories and 2.5 carbs per bottle. Inspired by nature, these bottles of crisp, malty goodness taste even better after a long day of physical activity.

With the weather getting warmer and warmer, I cannot wait to start experiencing the true beauty of Western New York, and with a cold six pack of Michelob ULTRA Pure Gold in the fridge, I know that no matter how hard I take it during the day, I can feel good about my choice when enjoying and living live to the fullest afterward.

Looking to pick some up? Check out the product locator here!

Cheers, Ty






