Taking Snacking to the Next Level with Sahale Snacks

I’ve probably written over a dozen times about my one true love: snacks. All kinds of snacks, too. When it comes to bite-sized foods, I am an equal opportunity snacker.

I attribute my love of snacking to my lowered appetite at mealtime, which prevents overeating, and my general increase in energy throughout my busy day. I’m constantly on the go, whether in the office, on location for a photo or video shoot, working from home, or even running around Fox to activities or sports. I don’t have the time or desire to pull out my handkerchief, tuck it into my collar and dive into a big meal when I have places to be and things to accomplish.

The only downside is that so many snacks are loaded with ingredients that I’m trying to avoid as I focus on a more balanced lifestyle. Gone are the high sodium and high carbohydrate items, and in are the protein-based Sahale Snacks. Perfectly portable and resealable, Sahale Snacks offers a huge variety of flavors and combos.

For my busy day today, I tried out the new Cherry Cocoa Almond Coconut Snack Mix, the Maple Pecans Glazed Mix, and the Honey Almonds Glazed Mix. Each of the Sahale Snacks varieties offers a complex flavor, often mixing sweet and savory tastes that is unique with every bite.

Best of all, Sahale Snacks are protein-based, which aligns with my immediate lifestyle and food goals. I bought several packs to keep in the car and at the office, that way when I’m out for a walk to get some exercise with Charlie in tow, I can have a bag ready to go in the stroller with me.

One thing I forgot to mention was the packaging. As a designer, I put an extreme amount of focus on the way everything I purchase is designed and packaged. I have to say that Sahale Snacks knocks it out of the park here. The bags have a satin-like finish, and the minimal yet rustic design of the products is absolutely perfect. I ended up taking photo after photo just of the packaging, something I rarely catch myself doing lately.

I’d even be lying if I said I didn’t have a bag of the Maple Pecans Glazed Mix sitting right here next to me as I’m writing this. Check out if any of the many varieties of Sahale Snacks are available near you and let me know which your favorite is!

Cheers, Ty

