If you follow my wife or I, you’ll know that one of our absolute favorite places to go in the world is the San Diego Zoo (and San Diego Zoo Safari Park). After having our son, the Zoo and adjacent Balboa Park was the first outing we had as a family, and it remained our go-to for getting out of the house and into the sun.
There are several reasons that make the San Diego Zoo the perfect destination for young families. First, it’s enormous. We have been at least two dozen times over the last couple of years and there’s still areas, animals and attractions that we discover on every trip. The sheer size of the campus creates a new experience on every trip. Second, we are able to enjoy amazing food and drinks while we’re there. Some of our highlights are the Hua Mei Cafe near the giant panda exhibit, and Zoo Brews, which always has a selection of craft beer, and at night and cold days they serve delicious adult coffee drinks that you cannot miss. Last, the zoo gives us freedom at a point in our lives where we would normally be restricted. Any new parent knows that bringing an infant or toddler to a restaurant or movie theater is a gamble, even for the tamest of children (and ours wasn’t/isn’t). The San Diego Zoo quickly became our go-to for out of the house excursions and a relaxing time to spend together as a family.

We also feel good about supporting the San Diego Zoo because of their dedication to the welfare of animals – including endangered species all over the world. The zoo is dedicated to ending extinction, protecting wildlife, and creating lifelong relationships between humans and animals.
But most importantly is that the San Diego Zoo is having its centennial celebration all summer long. That’s right, the zoo was built into the beautiful Balboa Park area of San Diego after the 1915 Panama-California Exhibition and has been bringing joy to families from all over the world ever since.
But if you’ve never been to the World Famous San Diego Zoo, this summer is the time to go for sure. They have special activities planned, which includes displays on Centennial Plaza, two new film experiences, a new show at Wegeforth Bowl, and more. Perhaps coolest of all, the Nighttime Zoo will feature live music, fun activities, and pageantry puppets all summer long!
I hope to see you this summer at the San Diego Zoo! Follow me on Instagram to see my updates from our trips this year, and if you want to pick up tickets, just click here.